Flesh fragments for Disaster Victim Identification training
Flesh fragments for Disaster Victim Identification training
Bone props for Disaster Victim Identification training
Bone props for Disaster Victim Identification training
John Merrick suit for ITAE Group event
John Merrick suit for ITAE Group event
Chernobyl training cadaver for ITAE Group
Chernobyl training cadaver for ITAE Group
Decomposed cadaver for ITAE Group autopsy event
Decomposed cadaver for ITAE Group autopsy event
Buried bones for ITV's 'Des'
Buried bones for ITV's 'Des'
Training cadaver with livor mortis
Training cadaver with livor mortis
Burned bones for ITV's 'Des'
Burned bones for ITV's 'Des'
Decomposed body parts for ITV's 'Des'
Decomposed body parts for ITV's 'Des'
Blistered severed arm prop
Blistered severed arm prop
Severed heads for 'Macbeth'
Severed heads for 'Macbeth'
Likeness body parts for dummy in 'Last King of Scotland'
Likeness body parts for dummy in 'Last King of Scotland'
Medical training props for live teaching event 'Contagion'
Medical training props for live teaching event 'Contagion'
VIVIT training cadaver for autopsy event
VIVIT training cadaver for autopsy event
VIVIT training cadaver for autopsy event
VIVIT training cadaver for autopsy event
6-part fibreglass body mould
6-part fibreglass body mould
Severed hand for 'The Duchess of Malfi'
Severed hand for 'The Duchess of Malfi'
Cow and Lamb silicone hearts
Cow and Lamb silicone hearts
Preparing a clay head for moulding
Preparing a clay head for moulding
Severed ears with 3 stages of decomposition
Severed ears with 3 stages of decomposition
Smashable skull casting for 'A Skull in Connemara'
Smashable skull casting for 'A Skull in Connemara'
4-part fibreglass & silicone ribcage mould
4-part fibreglass & silicone ribcage mould
Smashable ribcage casting for 'A Skull in Connemara'
Smashable ribcage casting for 'A Skull in Connemara'
Innards for 'Wasteland' (low budget feature film)
Innards for 'Wasteland' (low budget feature film)
'Different Takes Guts' Giffgaff viral advert gore
'Different Takes Guts' Giffgaff viral advert gore
Dismembered body parts for short film 'Lab Rats'
Dismembered body parts for short film 'Lab Rats'
Flesh fragments for Disaster Victim Identification training
Flesh fragments for Disaster Victim Identification trainingSilicone fingers, ears and tattooed skin segments for Disaster Victim Identification training
Bone props for Disaster Victim Identification training
Bone props for Disaster Victim Identification trainingJawbones, finger phalanges and femur sections for Disaster Victim Identification training
John Merrick suit for ITAE Group event
John Merrick suit for ITAE Group eventSilicone John Merrick suit for ITAE Group 'Elephant Man' event
Chernobyl training cadaver for ITAE Group
Chernobyl training cadaver for ITAE GroupChernobyl radiation poisoned silicone body for simulated autopsy event by ITAE Group
Decomposed cadaver for ITAE Group autopsy event
Decomposed cadaver for ITAE Group autopsy eventDecomposed cadaver for simulated post mortem/autopsy event by ITAE group
Buried bones for ITV's 'Des'
Buried bones for ITV's 'Des'Mud-encrusted human bones made for ITV crime drama ‘Des’
Training cadaver with livor mortis
Training cadaver with livor mortis
Burned bones for ITV's 'Des'
Burned bones for ITV's 'Des'Burned bones made for ITV crime drama ‘Des’
Decomposed body parts for ITV's 'Des'
Decomposed body parts for ITV's 'Des'Decomposed lower body and arm made for ITV crime drama ‘Des’
Blistered severed arm prop
Blistered severed arm propBlistered arm from plague victim, made for short film
Severed heads for 'Macbeth'
Severed heads for 'Macbeth'Severed heads for Shakespeare's Rose Theatre production of 'Macbeth'
Likeness body parts for dummy in 'Last King of Scotland'
Likeness body parts for dummy in 'Last King of Scotland'Likeness body parts for body double dummy for Sheffield Theatres production of 'Last King of Scotland'
Medical training props for live teaching event 'Contagion'
Medical training props for live teaching event 'Contagion'Arm and leg training props displaying various skin conditions, made for ITAE group’s ‘Contagion’ event
VIVIT training cadaver for autopsy event
VIVIT training cadaver for autopsy eventVIVIT training cadaver for ITAE Group's autopsy events (silicone body to house real human organs)
VIVIT training cadaver for autopsy event
VIVIT training cadaver for autopsy eventVIVIT training cadaver for ITAE Group's autopsy events (silicone body to house real human organs)
6-part fibreglass body mould
6-part fibreglass body mould Fibreglass body mould for silicone autopsy cadaver for ITAE Group training event
Severed hand for 'The Duchess of Malfi'
Severed hand for 'The Duchess of Malfi'Silicone severed hand for ‘The Duchess of Malfi’ at Nottingham Playhouse
Cow and Lamb silicone hearts
Cow and Lamb silicone heartsSilicone cow and Lamb hearts made for Sheffield Doc Fest's 'Alternate Realities'
Preparing a clay head for moulding
Preparing a clay head for mouldingClay head with dividing walls ready for fibreglass moulding
Severed ears with 3 stages of decomposition
Severed ears with 3 stages of decompositionSilicone severed ears with 3 stages of decomposition
Smashable skull casting for 'A Skull in Connemara'
Smashable skull casting for 'A Skull in Connemara'Jesmonite smashable skull casting. One of many made for bone-smashing scene in 'A Skull in Connemara' at Nottingham Playhouse
4-part fibreglass & silicone ribcage mould
4-part fibreglass & silicone ribcage mould4-part fibreglass/silicone ribcage mould made to run jesmonite smashable ribcages for 'A Skull in Connemara' at Nottingham Playhouse
Smashable ribcage casting for 'A Skull in Connemara'
Smashable ribcage casting for 'A Skull in Connemara'Jesmonite ribcage casting for bone-smashing scene in 'A Skull in Connemara' at Nottingham Playhouse
Innards for 'Wasteland' (low budget feature film)
Innards for 'Wasteland' (low budget feature film)Latex/silicone organs made for zombie feature film 'Wasteland'
'Different Takes Guts' Giffgaff viral advert gore
'Different Takes Guts' Giffgaff viral advert goreBrains, hearts and general viscera made for Giff Gaff viral halloween advert
Dismembered body parts for short film 'Lab Rats'
Dismembered body parts for short film 'Lab Rats'Screenshot of dismembered body parts from short film 'Lab Rats' (directed by David Wayman).
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