White Tupac Shakur silicone mask for artist RIP Germain
White Tupac Shakur silicone mask for artist RIP Germain
Prop polycarved gravestones for Cave Escape room
Prop polycarved gravestones for Cave Escape room
Silicone old age puppet body for 'Screbs' comedy film directed by James Button
Silicone old age puppet body for 'Screbs' comedy film directed by James Button
Smashable jesmonite vases for Dick Whittington
Smashable jesmonite vases for Dick Whittington
Oversized police whistles for Commonwealth Games 2022
Oversized police whistles for Commonwealth Games 2022
Poo costume for short film 'The Foul' directed by James Button
Poo costume for short film 'The Foul' directed by James Button
Stonedead Festival monster mascot latex mask
Stonedead Festival monster mascot latex mask
'Russell Howard Hour' oversized comedy hand prop
'Russell Howard Hour' oversized comedy hand prop
Weighted body prop for Mercury Theatre production of 'Antigone'
Weighted body prop for Mercury Theatre production of 'Antigone'
8ft Wicker Man prop for Halloween horror scare maze at Hinchingbrooke House
8ft Wicker Man prop for Halloween horror scare maze at Hinchingbrooke House
Jack Nicholson 'The Shining' latex mask for Hinchingbrooke House halloween scare maze
Jack Nicholson 'The Shining' latex mask for Hinchingbrooke House halloween scare maze
'Wedding Massacre' prop table for halloween horror scare maze at Hinchingbrooke House
'Wedding Massacre' prop table for halloween horror scare maze at Hinchingbrooke House
Laboratory table with props for halloween scare maze at 'Hinchingbrooke House'
Laboratory table with props for halloween scare maze at 'Hinchingbrooke House'
Oversized Escalado horses from the Great North Run opening ceremony
Oversized Escalado horses from the Great North Run opening ceremony
'Sleeping Beauty' panto spinning wheels
'Sleeping Beauty' panto spinning wheels
"Killer" mask for music video
"Killer" mask for music video
Poseable hare ears
Poseable hare ears
Rubber knife prop
Rubber knife prop
Oversized panto handcuffs
Oversized panto handcuffs
Kali arms statue (private commission for garden)
Kali arms statue (private commission for garden)
Replica 17th century wax seal
Replica 17th century wax seal
Rat puppets for 'Dick Whittington'
Rat puppets for 'Dick Whittington'
Lion mask for Dick Whittington
Lion mask for Dick Whittington
Polycarved raptor fossil
Polycarved raptor fossil
10 Bird Roast prop for 'Posh'
10 Bird Roast prop for 'Posh'
10 Bird Roast prop for 'Posh'
10 Bird Roast prop for 'Posh'
'MILO' silicone alien interactive sculpture
'MILO' silicone alien interactive sculpture
Jester stick for 'Sleeping Beauty'
Jester stick for 'Sleeping Beauty'
Poly-carved tree log for 'Sleeping Beauty'
Poly-carved tree log for 'Sleeping Beauty'
Cornice mouldings for 'Arcadia'
Cornice mouldings for 'Arcadia'
Foam brick prototypes for Timberland shoe display
Foam brick prototypes for Timberland shoe display
Foam concrete block prototype for Timberland shoe display
Foam concrete block prototype for Timberland shoe display
Carrot canes for dancing rabbits in 'Jack & the Beanstalk'
Carrot canes for dancing rabbits in 'Jack & the Beanstalk'
Fibreglass Bowler Hat for 'Jack & The Beanstalk'
Fibreglass Bowler Hat for 'Jack & The Beanstalk'
Richard III & Henry VI banners
Richard III & Henry VI banners
'Rellik' intruder mask
'Rellik' intruder mask
"Heaven" miniature set for 'Drank the East Wind' music video
"Heaven" miniature set for 'Drank the East Wind' music video
"Space" miniature set for 'Drank the East Wind' music video
"Space" miniature set for 'Drank the East Wind' music video
'Saw Misgivings' belt trap (comedy short film)
'Saw Misgivings' belt trap (comedy short film)
White Tupac Shakur silicone mask for artist RIP Germain
White Tupac Shakur silicone mask for artist RIP Germain
Prop polycarved gravestones for Cave Escape room
Prop polycarved gravestones for Cave Escape room
Silicone old age puppet body for 'Screbs' comedy film directed by James Button
Silicone old age puppet body for 'Screbs' comedy film directed by James Button
Smashable jesmonite vases for Dick Whittington
Smashable jesmonite vases for Dick Whittington100+ jesmonite vases designed to be smashed on stage during 'Dick Whittington' pantomime at Nottingham Playhouse
Oversized police whistles for Commonwealth Games 2022
Oversized police whistles for Commonwealth Games 2022
Poo costume for short film 'The Foul' directed by James Button
Poo costume for short film 'The Foul' directed by James Button
Stonedead Festival monster mascot latex mask
Stonedead Festival monster mascot latex mask
'Russell Howard Hour' oversized comedy hand prop
'Russell Howard Hour' oversized comedy hand prop
Weighted body prop for Mercury Theatre production of 'Antigone'
Weighted body prop for Mercury Theatre production of 'Antigone'
8ft Wicker Man prop for Halloween horror scare maze at Hinchingbrooke House
8ft Wicker Man prop for Halloween horror scare maze at Hinchingbrooke House
Jack Nicholson 'The Shining' latex mask for Hinchingbrooke House halloween scare maze
Jack Nicholson 'The Shining' latex mask for Hinchingbrooke House halloween scare maze
'Wedding Massacre' prop table for halloween horror scare maze at Hinchingbrooke House
'Wedding Massacre' prop table for halloween horror scare maze at Hinchingbrooke House
Laboratory table with props for halloween scare maze at 'Hinchingbrooke House'
Laboratory table with props for halloween scare maze at 'Hinchingbrooke House'
Oversized Escalado horses from the Great North Run opening ceremony
Oversized Escalado horses from the Great North Run opening ceremonySoft foam playing pieces for oversized game of ‘Escalado’ for the opening ceremony of the Great North Run 2018
'Sleeping Beauty' panto spinning wheels
'Sleeping Beauty' panto spinning wheels8 small wooden assembled CNC panto spinning wheels made for Nottingham Playhouse production of 'Sleeping Beauty' (directed by Kenneth Alan Taylor)
"Killer" mask for music video
"Killer" mask for music video'Scream' style cute killer mask for Hazey Eyes music video ‘Some Reason’ (directed by Simon Dymond)
Poseable hare ears
Poseable hare earsPoseable hare ears attached to hat for Nottingham Playhouse childrens' theatre production of 'Hare & Tortoise'
Rubber knife prop
Rubber knife propRubber replica knife made for ‘Lapwing’ feature film (directed by Phil Stevens)
Oversized panto handcuffs
Oversized panto handcuffsOversized handcuffs made for Nottingham Playhouse production of 'Aladdin' (directed by Kenneth Alan Taylor)
Kali arms statue (private commission for garden)
Kali arms statue (private commission for garden)Kali statue private commission for outdoor use. Made using Pal Tiya
Replica 17th century wax seal
Replica 17th century wax sealReplica wax seal for museum (made from resin)
Rat puppets for 'Dick Whittington'
Rat puppets for 'Dick Whittington'Mangy rat puppets made for Nottingham Playhouse production of 'Dick Whittington' (directed by Kenneth Alan Taylor)
Lion mask for Dick Whittington
Lion mask for Dick WhittingtonLion mask for Dick Whittingham panto at Nottingham Playhouse (directed by Adam Penford)
Polycarved raptor fossil
Polycarved raptor fossilPolycarved raptor fossil for childrens' festival at Lakeside Arts Centre
10 Bird Roast prop for 'Posh'
10 Bird Roast prop for 'Posh'10 Bird Roast prop made for Nottingham Playhouse production of 'Posh' (directed by Susannah Tresilian)
10 Bird Roast prop for 'Posh'
10 Bird Roast prop for 'Posh'10 Bird Roast prop with the cast of 'Posh at Nottingham Playhouse (directed by Susannah Tresilian)
'MILO' silicone alien interactive sculpture
'MILO' silicone alien interactive sculptureDigital art installation 'MILO' (Mega Intelligent Learning Organism) for Mansfield Library. Alien fabricated using silicone and rigid foam as part of the installation.
Jester stick for 'Sleeping Beauty'
Jester stick for 'Sleeping Beauty'Jester stick made for Nottingham Playhouse production of 'Sleeping Beauty' (directed by Kenneth Alan Taylor)
Poly-carved tree log for 'Sleeping Beauty'
Poly-carved tree log for 'Sleeping Beauty'Poly-carved log made for Nottingham Playhouse production of 'Sleeping Beauty' (directed by Kenneth Alan Taylor)
Cornice mouldings for 'Arcadia'
Cornice mouldings for 'Arcadia'Cornice mouldings sculpted, moulded, casted and painted for Nottingham Playhouse production of 'Arcadia' (directed by Giles Croft)
Foam brick prototypes for Timberland shoe display
Foam brick prototypes for Timberland shoe displayExpanded foam bricks made as prototypes for the footwear brand Timberland 
Foam concrete block prototype for Timberland shoe display
Foam concrete block prototype for Timberland shoe displayExpanded foam concrete block made as a prototype for footwear brand Timberland 
Carrot canes for dancing rabbits in 'Jack & the Beanstalk'
Carrot canes for dancing rabbits in 'Jack & the Beanstalk'Flocked carrot canes made for dancing rabbits in Nottingham Playhouse production of 'Jack & The Beanstalk' (directed by Kenneth Alan Taylor)
Fibreglass Bowler Hat for 'Jack & The Beanstalk'
Fibreglass Bowler Hat for 'Jack & The Beanstalk'Fibreglass bowler hat made to withstand repeated use during "slop" scene in Nottingham Playhouse production of 'Jack & the Beanstalk' (directed by Kenneth Alan Taylor). Lower image courtesy of Robin Day.
Richard III & Henry VI banners
Richard III & Henry VI bannersBanners made for Nottingham Playhouse production of 'Richard III' (directed by Loveday Ingram)
'Rellik' intruder mask
'Rellik' intruder maskMask created for one of the intruders for the short film 'Rellik' (directed by David Lilley, Loonatik & Drinks).
"Heaven" miniature set for 'Drank the East Wind' music video
"Heaven" miniature set for 'Drank the East Wind' music videoMiniature 'heaven' set and crocheted puppet created for music video for Dwyzak The Elevator's track 'Drank The Eastwind' (directed by David Wayman, Team Chameleon)
"Space" miniature set for 'Drank the East Wind' music video
"Space" miniature set for 'Drank the East Wind' music video'Space' scene created for music video for Dwyzak The Elevator's track 'Drank The Eastwind' (directed by David Wayman, Team Chameleon). Top image: prop set up. Bottom image: screenshot from music video.
'Saw Misgivings' belt trap (comedy short film)
'Saw Misgivings' belt trap (comedy short film)'Saw' style belt trap created for comedy short film 'Saw Misgivings' (directed by David Lilley, Loonatik & Drinks)
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